Evie's Ark, All Things Animal
One feisty redhead, her two adorable cats, and a whole lot of painting and sewing!
Welcome to Evie's Ark, All Things Animal! Since 2001.

Monday, April 4, 2011

A.W.O.L. Kitten

Each morning when I leave for work, I do a roll call for my cats. You know, just to make sure that nobody spends the entire day shut in the closet. And as is customary with my two, they stand by the back door to meow goodbyes to me. I'm certain that they believe me when I tell that that I'll be right back in five minutes!

But this morning, one kitty had gone A.W.O.L. And the house was eerily quiet. And that can only mean one thing - Izzy is up to no good!

I found her in the bathroom sleeping in a basket of towels, her fat furry butt hanging over the edge. That little trouble maker always makes me laugh! Even when I have to rewash all of the already clean laundry!